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Our Review
age 14+

Based on 108 kid reviews

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age 9+



This title has:

Educational value
Great role models
1 person found this helpful.
age 11+

Stylish movie

This movie was very stylish and it was directed by Zack Snyder (director of watchmen). I thought the battle scenes were unique and entertaining. I recommend this movie if your into these types of movies.

This title has:

Great messages
Great role models
1 person found this helpful.
age 17+
I loved this movie, only mature 13-16 year olds can watch it bc of the brief nudity, intense violence, and blood and gore, and younger than 13, you have to be VERY mature
age 15+
so much blood and gore great movie for anyone over 15 or so who love this kind of stuff
age 14+

Go see Loranikas303's review and what does this review say?

age 13+

Great movie

I like that it’s based off a historical battle
age 14+

This is David Lopez's Favorite

this looks like a good movie but bloody and half nude

This title has:

Too much violence
Too much sex
age 14+

Pretty good

The movie was pretty good I watched it because we were learning about the Spartans in class in 8th grade , I would recommend it for anyone leading about ancient history over the age of 14 but be warned there is some sexual content, violence, which includes a tree filled with bodies, and some pretty gruesome stuff so that if you aren’t using the movie for educational purposes just wait a little until your 15.

This title has:

Great messages
Great role models
Too much violence
Too much sex
age 16+

2nd best movie based on historical events [after gladiator] just few sex and violence scene make it 16+

age 13+

This title has:

Too much violence